MOMMA TIP… cooking with truffle oil and truffle salt

Your cooking may have become limited since having your beloved little one. Often times the need is for quick and simple and, frankly, a little boring.  One key ingredient I have found that transforms my meal from kids menu to ooh la la, is salt and/or oil infused with truffles!!! The magic ingredient which usually transforms a basic pasta dish to high end italian restaurant fare, from $15 to $115 has been infused into olive oil and sea salt for you to perk up meals in your own home. Add the oil or salt to kid friendly foods like mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, pasta, mac and cheese and french fries and you have a 5 star meal for you! One of my favorite things to do is bake oven chips (they’re healthier than frying – see my recipe below) and then tossing them in truffle salt. My husband and friends go absolutely nuts for them!


truffle infused olive oil

Truffle oil $29.95 available at


*** My recipe for oven baked oven chips are easy:

heat oven to 475

ingredients: potatoes (I like the red skinned potatoes), olive oil, kosher salt, truffle salt

cut potatoes into 1 inch thick wedges and blanche them (in boiling water for about 3 to 4 minutes (then soaking them in cold running water for a minute or 2) then lay them out on a baking tray and toss them with olive oil and a little bit of kosher salt.  Bake them for 10 minutes then clip them and bake for another 10 minutes and then flip again for another 8-10 until they are crispy.  Take them out and toss them with truffle salt and serve!

MOMMA NEEDS… for tired eyes – when all else fails, sunglasses

So, you’ve done all you can do after a sleepless night with your little one and still feel like you look like you’ve been hit by a bus.  The solution – a great pair of sunglasses! Nothing can transform your look and make you feel like a million dollars (when you feel like you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards) like hiding behind a hot pair of sunglasses.  That layer of protection between you and the rest of the world (that probably had a good night sleep) which does an amazing job of camouflaging your tired eyes.  Added bonus – the extra protection from the sun will help prolong aging around they eyes!  Here are some of my favorite sunglass styles to give you that polished look when all you want to do is crawl back into bed.  I have included a range of prices but it’s important to note that you get what you pay for – when you buy a cheap pair of sunglasses thats great and you don’t have to be precious about losing them or breaking them – but they don’t provide the same level of protection from the sun…  That said, ALWAYS remember to wear sunblock.  Seriously.  Even though its winter – the sun still gets you and nothing will age you faster than the sun.

rayban colored mirrored aviators net

Rayban aviators $160 available at

aviators rayban saks

Rayban aviators $160 available at ***these mirrored aviators are timeless and come in a range of colors – I have 4 pairs!!

top shop aviators

Topshop aviators $24 available at

chloe sunglasses theoutnet

Chloe sunglasses $96 available at

oversized sunglasses top shop

Topshop sunglasses $32 available at

Shloe sunglasses oversized

Chloe sunglasses $325 available at

balenciaga sunglasses

Balenciaga sunglasses $110 available at

tom ford sunglasses

Tom Ford sunglasses $390 available at

top shop cateye sunglasses

Topshop sunglasses $28 available at

rayban sunglasses intermix

Rayban sunglasses $150 available at

persol sunglasses

Persol sunglasses $220 available at

tom ford cateye sunglasses

Tom Ford sunglasses $380 available at

asos cateye sunglasses

Asos sunglasses $17.80 available at

chloe cateye sunglasses

Chloe sunglasses $109.98 available at

I’ve include some fun baby sunglasses as well – the Babiator line is SO cute – they’re great protection for little one’s eyes – come in a range of colors (And a range of sizes) plus they are SUPER durable and can survive the crushing blows of even the wildest toddlers!

babiators red

Babiator sunglasses $22 available at (size 0-3 years available in various colors)

babiators 3-7 year old

Babiator sunglasses $20 available at (these are sizes 3-7years in a range of colors)

babiators black

Babiator polarized sunglasses $35 available at

MOMMA TIPS… the miracle that is baking soda

Baking soda must be a woman because she sure can multi-task!  Sure, itts been a long time trusty ingredient for baking and has also occupied space in our fridge/freezer to keep everything fresh and deodorized but it is SO much more. Its delicate enough to clean our teeth yet effective enough to scour our pots and pans.  It can deodorize and clean just about anything and on top of all of that its actually eco-friendly!   But here are 2 ways that baking soda has helped me that I wanted to share with all of you.

First, my son kept on getting these heat rashes when he was quite young and I didn’t know what to do…  His skin is so delicate  and all baby soaps and moisturizers just seemed to make it worse. Then I heard a tips about baking soda.  I would run him a warm bath and sprinkle in baking soda and let him soak in it.  The heat rash quickly went away.  Something inexpensive that we already have in our house and was able to take discomfort away from my precious boy – baking soda gets a gold star!

Secondly, I was on a photo shoot recently and I was styling an actress in very delicate fabrics – lace, silk, cashmere and (as tends to happen) the body makeup she was wearing got all over the clothes.  By the suggestion of someone on set we mixed some water with baking soda and soaked the garments, hung them to dry and the stains disappeared!  So, of course, now I keep a trusty box of arm and hammer in my stylist kit!

I know everyone already has a box (or 20) in their house but explore the many uses of it that you might not be aware of – replace your harsh household cleaners with baking soda – it not only helps protect the environment but its safe to use around your kids and it really works!


MOMMA TIP… getting the wrinkles out (from your clothes not your face)

Okay, I’m a fashion stylist, what does that mean?  Many things, but one of the most important parts of my job is making sure clothes look amazing and one major thing that makes clothes look terrible are wrinkles.  As a busy mom I know that time is not in abundance and that sometimes keeping clothes looking neat is not a top priority, so I just wanted to share with you my main trick.  Steam.  Get rid of that iron.  Ugh! I hate irons!  They infuriate me and I refuse to ever use one.  They ruin clothes by scorching them or spitting that gross brown water on them – and then there’s just the obnoxious factor of having to get the ironing board out and yadah yadah.  So, do what my fellow stylists and I do – use steam.

*** I will share the actual steamer that I use BUT – I need you to know my fun, efficient, time saving and INEXPENSIVE tip which is to take your clothes into the shower with you!  Not IN the shower but in the bathroom – hang them just outside the shower, turn on the hot water, have a shower, and whilst your bathroom steams up, the wrinkles in your clothes will fall out.  Of course, the heavier the fabric the more time it can take – but this is an easy and fast way to prep your clothes while you’re getting ready for the day – and what mom doesn’t love a good multi-tasking tip!

Now, on to the equipment, the Jiffy steamer I am picturing below is the one that I use and the one that I find in every photo studio and location van. It is tried, true and the best.  That said, Jiffy also does an amazing hand held (which I am also picturing) which I keep in my kit which is small, light weight and less expensive.  That said ,there are tons of steamer options out there at varying price points – these are the 2 that I can solidly vouch for.  Extra tip, I put a white ankle sock over the head of the steamer and rubber band it on to make it taught – this helps absorb some of the water and prevent it from spitting all over your clothes (I hate that) and always try to steam from inside your clothes, put the head of the steamer inside the garment and steam along the fabric from inside.  Finally, if you’re dealing with particularly delicate fabric like silk make sure to use filtered water (just to be on the safe side) and never touch the head of the steamer to the fabric. Let the steam get to the fabric and sort of guide it along the areas that need attention (the sock will also add an extra layer of protection just in case).  Happy steaming!

hand held steamer jiffy

Jiffy Esteam hand held steamer $61.83


MOMMA KNOWS… beauty tips for tired eyes

So, yes, sleep is no longer a given.  I’m lucky if I get 4 hours straight without my little man waking up and wanting to come into our bed (where he likes to sleep horizontally between us kicking one of us while head butting the other).  There is no question, the eyes are the windows to how much or how little we’ve slept the night before.  So here are my beauty go-to’s for tired eyes…

1) EYEDROPS: Having been on set with some of the most amazing makeup artists in the world I noticed they often had these incredible blue eye drops which take the red out of eyes instantly and better than any other product out there.  They are french and whenever I was in France I would buy it in bulk… well, I have found them here on Amazon and make no mistake – these are  a GAME CHANGER!

best eye drops ever

Innoxa Gouttes Bleues eyedrops $28.99 (for 2 boxes) available on Amazon

2) UNDER EYE CREAM:  look for one that helps moisturize, reduce the look of fine lines and lightens dark circles.  This one from Clinique is brilliant.

erase under eye circles Clinique

Clinique even better eyes $39.50 available at

3) TWEEZERS: invest in a truly great pair of tweezers – I could not live without my Tweezerman tweezers – clean brows immediately brighten the area and give an over all more manicured look. I believe that the eyebrows are the window frames to the face and having a clean brow can change your entire look from tired and worn to fresh faced and rested.

best tweezers tweezerman

Tweezerman tweeters $22 available at

4) EYE BRIGHTENER: the YSL Touche Eclat is THE luminizing pen that just brightens the orbital area.  It is tried and true and has been around forever (because it WORKS).  It can be used in many areas (under brows corner of the eye, under eye, even between brows and alone the nose to add contouring if needed) – it adds light and radiance for an over all more rested appearance.  From years of working in fashion, I don’t know a fashion editor, makeup artist or model that doesn’t keep one of these in their bag at all times.

Eye radiance YSL touch éclat

YSL Touche Eclat $40 available at

5) CONCEALER:  There are so many great brands in every price bracket (the key is to find the right shade for your skin tone and one that doesn’t dry up or look cake-y).  For me, there is only one.  The concealer that in undoubtably the best in the business (as confirmed to me by my celebrity makeup artist friends time and time again) is by Cle de Peau. It is pricey (because its the best) but it lasts a long time and I could not have gotten through the last 16 months of sleepless nights without it…  If I wear no other makeup I still wear this.

Best concealer Cle de Peau

Cle de Peau concealer $70 available at

6) WHITE EYELINER:  This may sound insane but I line the inner rim of my eyes with a white eyeliner (warm it up on the back of your hand first to soften the pencil so it glides on easier).  The white helps conceal the redness from lack of sleep and adds additional light to the eyes.  Just how black liner can close the eye and give that sexy smokey cat eye affect – the white liner (again on the inside rim of your eyes) makes the brighter and whiter.  You can also add a bit to the inside corners of the eyes which makes the eyes look bigger and more radiant as well.

take the red out of eyes white eyeliner Makeup Forever eyeliner

Makeup Forever eyeliner (in white) $17 available at

7) EYE LASH CURLER:  Another way to open your eyes is to lift and curl those lashes.  Shu Uemura is universally known to be the best eye lash curler and I’ve been loyal to mine (I think I’ve had 3 or 4 now) over the last 15 years.  Beautifully curled lashes just open up the eye and give you a bit of extra glamour when you just feel like crawling back into bed.

best eyelash curler Shu Uemura

Shu Uemura eyelash curler $20 available at

8) MASCARA:  Distract with amazing lashes!  Eyes look brighter next to your beautifully curled and mascara-ed (is that a word?) lashes.  Maybelline’s Great Lash has been THE tried and true go-to mascara that you can find in every singe makeup artist’s kit.  Its inexpensive and after all the years that it has been around still holds up against all the expensive designer mascaras out there.  Mascara just adds that bit of extra polish to tackle your busy day after your sleepless night.  Just because you feel like a zombie doesn’t mean you have to look like one…

best mascara great lash maybelline

Maybelline Great Lash mascara $6.09 available at

MOMMA TIPS… must have in the kitchen

Ladies, if you are like me you may think your days of entertaining at home are over.  You may think you’ll never be able to properly make home cooked meals for your family again.  A few weeks ago I got myself a slow cooker and my life has changed.  While Max is napping or after he’s going to sleep I just chop up the veggies and then when I’m ready I quickly sear whatever meat I’m using toss everything into the cooker and depending on the recipe and the settings I choose in a couple of hours dinner is ready!  I make huge batches so I can freeze portions for future meals and now, I feel like I can feel stress free when inviting friends over for dinner.  Sure, it may not be gourmet, but winter is coming and who doesn’t want a hearty stew?!?!  This thing is amazing and if you don’t have one and you miss proper home cooked meals I highly recommend it. This week I will be using my slow cooker to make beef stew:  beef cubes seared, tossed is the cooker with beef stock, a can of pureed tomatoes, chopped up onion, celery, carrots, potatoes, 2 bayleafs, salt, pepper, paprika, oregano and then just leave it to cook baby!  I make a batch of rice and my husband and toddler can not get enough!

MOMMA KNOWS… hair care tips

So, hair is my thing, trademark and my defining physical characteristic.  I am a long haired girl.  A REALLY long haired girl…  But now, with a child, I simply don’t have the time I once did to care for it.  So, here are some of my shortcuts and favorite products for maintaining your hair (whether you’re a long haired girl or not) when time is of the essence.

1) Don’t wash your hair every day.  I’m lucky if I get the chance to wash it every 3rd day and I think this is actually helping to keep it healthy.  Less heat on your hair means less damage.  For those who have a problem with hair looking greasy without more frequent washing – get a great dry shampoo for the in between days and where your hair up more.  You’ll touch it less when its up which means less oily transfer from your hands to your hair (also I find it so much easier to wear my hair back while playing with my child)


Batiste dry shampoo $7.75 available at www.


Hair bungee bands $3.50 available at

2) When you do wash your hair pay attention to the products you use and change up your shampoo and condition so that your hair doesn’t get to used to one.  You don’t need to spend an arm and a leg on shampoo and conditioner – I’m obsessed with Neutrogena products because they’re just great quality and don’t leave build up.  Figure out what product work best for you and your hair type.  Another tip – while warm water opens up the hair follicles allowing better absorption of your shampoo and conditioners its also good to do a cold rinse on your hair before getting out of the shower to seal them back up again. Also, I confess, I’m starting to go grey but I don’t have the time to run off to the salon every month or two for a root touch up so when my grey roots start to peek out I touch them up at home and this allows me to push my salon appointment without looking like the bride of frankenstein.  Another tip – every 2 weeks or so I use a color guard conditioner to help boost and protect the color.

Neutrogena shampoo $6.09 available at

Neutrogena conditioner $6.30 available at

Clairol root touch up $13.85 available at


Aveda color conditioner $18 available at

3) Get great styling tools – a great brush and hairdryer (although, if you can air dry and avoid heat styling all together more power to you).  As far as brushes go, the Mason Pearson is the ultimate. Every hairstylist swears by it – its pricey but that’s because its the best.  That said, the most important thing is to find out what brush works best for you and your hair texture.  A brush that I can’t live without is my beloved Tangle Teezer – with long hair knots and rats nests are inevitable and this brush literally gets out those tangles in seconds. I truly believe that this ultimately helps to prevent hair breakage while also saving me time.  Speaking of saving time, a great and powerful hair dryer is beyond important for those of us who just can’t air dry.  I am obsessed with my Super Solano hair dryer.  A hairstylist told me about it while I was on set years ago and I haven’t turned back since.  It dries my hair in half the time of other dryers and I don’t believe I could have my hair this long with out it. Again, its a bit pricey but I’ve had this blow dryer now for almost 10 years and it is still going strong… These tools seem obvious but they make getting ready faster, easier and your hair that much more beautiful.

Mason Pearson brush $170 available at


Tangle Teezer brush $18.51


Super Solano hair dryer $91.99 available at

4) Consider everything from the outside and inside.  So, one obvious thing to remember is to take your women’s one a day vitamin – healthy hair, skin and nails comes from the inside out (and don’t forget to drink a lot of water – it goes a long way).  Then remember to protect your hair from all that you and life throws at it.  This means applying products to damp hair that can protect it from all the heat styling you put it through from blow drying, curling and straightening.  And finally, use a product that can protect your hair from the sun.  We wouldn’t (or SHOULDN’T) forget to apply sunblock to our skin and the same should go for your hair…  Just one extra product can go along way to protect your hair from sun dammage and fading.


Kerastase thermal protectant $18.97


Redken SPF color extend $22.99 available at



MOMMA KNOWS… eating out with kids


I can’t cook every night – so its great that we can take Max to our favorite restaurants and enjoy an evening out!

One of the most daunting things about being a parent is going to a restaurant.  What used to be such a joy and a night off from cooking is now overwhelming – just the thought of your child throwing food, causing a scene and the disapproving looks from others around is enough to keep you homebound until they are at least 6. I don’t believe it has to be this way – and I think enjoying a dinner out with my family is one of my favorite things.  Here are some of my tips as well as the accessories that have made eating out such a pleasure for me and my family.

1) Make yourself a regular chose 3 or 4 of your favorite restaurants and be loyal!  Be sweet and charming with all the staff – making sure to be excited to see everyone and asking after them and their families so that yours is the face they most want to see walking through their door.

2) Go early, like 6ish so that your little one doesn’t get overly tired, the restaurant won’t be full (so you won’t have to wait for a table or for food too long) also, you can get your babe home by bed time (perhaps they might even start to nod off on the ride home).

3) Bring snacks and put your child’s order in first so that he’s entertained (eating is an activity)and not getting hangry (huger always leads to anger).

4) Bring some toys.  Nothing too loud or electronic but a little car, rattle, a doll – something that can keep little one entertained and not bored.

5) Engage with them.  Yes, you want to have an adult conversation, but don’t forget to include your child – talk to them about what they’re playing with, what they’re eating, ask them if they want water and have them engage with the waiters and staff.  They want to be feel included, even if they’re not necessarily understanding or speaking yet.

6) Tip well.  Always tip at least 20% at least and if the baby is acting up a bit – add a bit extra.

7) Be gracious and apologetic to those around you when your baby acts up a bit.

8) If it’s nice out – outdoor dining is always the best option. The open air helps dull the noise if they’re being loud and if they get a bit fussy allows one of you to take them for a bit of a stroll.

9) Be considerate to staff.  When your child throws food all over the floor do your best to clean up after them. This goes a long way and illustrates mutual respect.

10) See below for my favorite eating out accessories – from the place mat that provides a clean surface for little one to eat off of (and rolls up neatly to fit in your purse) to the straw sippy cup (good for avoiding spillage) – these are my must haves:


BabyBjorn soft bib $12.89 available at


Summer Infant “tiny diner” place mat $10.99 available at


Boon catch bowl $8.98 available at


Zoli straw sippy cup $15 available at


Zoli snack dispenser $17.89 available at


Sassy on the go utensils $3.99 available at


MOMMA KNOWS… beauty tip

For those moms still breast feeding, congratulations – you have nature’s miracle product.  Breast milk not only keeps your baby healthy but it can be used topically to fix skin issues for both you and your little one.  Breast milk can clear up everything from your babies cradle cap, miscellaneous rashes, baby acne, even pink eye.  It works just as well on your skin, clearing up pimples and various other skin irritations from razor burn to bug bites!  If beauty giants could find a way to bottle this liquid gold they would and it would make billions.  So, pump it if you’ve got it and take advantage of its magical healing powers!

MOMMA KNOWS… beauty tips for the sleep and time deprived

How to look like you mean business on 2 hours sleep.  Here are some of the best tricks of the trade I’ve learned from years of working with some of the top beauty experts in the business.  From the best concealer and under eye cream, to a tangle teezer that will get out the most stubborn knots in seconds (and works brilliantly and painlessly on your child’s tangles too) see below for my tried and true beauty must haves…


Cle de Peau concealer $70 available at    activemoinstbeautybareditDermalogica Active Moist $56 available at         toucheeclatyslbeautyeditYSL touche éclat $40 available at www.sephora.combaremineralspowderbeautyeditBare Minerals foundation $27 available at           greatlastmaybellinesoapeditMaybelline mascara $6.09 available at www.soap.comroottouchuposcarblandiOscar Blandi root touch up $23 available at www.beautybar.comtangleteezeramazonbeautyeditTangle teezer brush $18.51  undereyediosephorabeautyeditDior Dior Snow eye treatment $73 available at        visinebeautysoapeditVisine eye drops $8.45 available at www.soap.comnarsduoeditNars blush/bronzer duo $41 available at                                batistedryshampoobeautyeditsoap      Batiste dry shampoo $7.75 available at