Christmas is for the children!! And indeed, Max has a lot to look forward to come christmas morning – and the joy that gives me is what christmas is all about!
Christmas is about togetherness, celebration, lights, trees, santa and gifts for kids! Your little ones, your nieces, nephews, friend’s children and let’s not forget those kids who might otherwise not get presents this year – christmas is truly about the children. Every year their is a hot new Elmo, game system or elsa doll and this year is no different. Figuring out the best gifts for kids isn’t actually that hard because they’ll be the first ones to tell you (and santa and anyone else who asks). I am a sucker for watching my boy tear open a present and get stuck into something new and exciting. He’s just now at an age where he’s appreciating toys and the joy that they bring. The key is a little bit at a time. Too much to quick is overwhelming and can devalue the great gifts that you and everyone else has showered your little ones with… Try to spread gifts over a couple of days and let him properly appreciate them! Check you some of my favorite gifts for kids while I try and figure out what to get my little guys (besides his favorite pocoyo and thomas the train toys).