It is that time of year again, Movember, and I wanted to do my bit to draw attention to men’s health. Since neither I nor my child can actually grow a must ache myself, (thankfully), I wanted to feature the insanely popular mustache print trend. I am coupling it with the lips print trend to add a bit of feminine flare for both us and our wee ones. It may seem crazy to wear mustache and lip prints, but as a stylist I have always believed fashion shouldn’t be so serious… Why not dress with a bit of humor and levity, (within reason – I mean we still want to look chic) and these pop art prints are very of the moment. So, ladies get your husband’s in for screening and without further adieu, here are some of my favorite lips and ‘staches: First for us…
and for the little ones…
Hi Maria, I love your blog it’s great. Today I bought the HM lip shoes today on your reco. I just had a foot op and was looking for flat slipper shoes to wear post op. They are perfect!
Hope you, Max and Simon are well
Hooray! I’m so glad you like the shoes! Remember you can always just click on the picture and it should take you directly to the site. I know there is an h&m uk site I don’t know if you would just have to transfer the country… Hope all is well!