Your cooking may have become limited since having your beloved little one. Often times the need is for quick and simple and, frankly, a little boring. One key ingredient I have found that transforms my meal from kids menu to ooh la la, is salt and/or oil infused with truffles!!! The magic ingredient which usually transforms a basic pasta dish to high end italian restaurant fare, from $15 to $115 has been infused into olive oil and sea salt for you to perk up meals in your own home. Add the oil or salt to kid friendly foods like mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, pasta, mac and cheese and french fries and you have a 5 star meal for you! One of my favorite things to do is bake oven chips (they’re healthier than frying – see my recipe below) and then tossing them in truffle salt. My husband and friends go absolutely nuts for them!
*** My recipe for oven baked oven chips are easy:
heat oven to 475
ingredients: potatoes (I like the red skinned potatoes), olive oil, kosher salt, truffle salt
cut potatoes into 1 inch thick wedges and blanche them (in boiling water for about 3 to 4 minutes (then soaking them in cold running water for a minute or 2) then lay them out on a baking tray and toss them with olive oil and a little bit of kosher salt. Bake them for 10 minutes then clip them and bake for another 10 minutes and then flip again for another 8-10 until they are crispy. Take them out and toss them with truffle salt and serve!
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