My reversible Valentino camo print canvas tote and some of the things that go in it! The perfect stylish mom’s carry all!
Large Canvas tote bags are part of a mom’s uniform. I have found my Valentino camo print tote to be the perfect non diaper bag carry all. I love it because it’s very me AND suits all my mommy needs. Its fashion and fabulous, but I can still throw all of Max’s stuff in there and be prepped for whatever toddler mishaps might come. Canvas tote bags are great because they’re durable and they can fit lots of stuff in them – and what’s better is that there are so many stylish options out there that the bag you carry to the park can be the same bag you carry to brunch with the ladies. Every woman needs a fantastic large canvas tote bag that ticks both the form and function boxes – you know, a bag that multi-tasks so it can keep up with you. They are a brilliant alternative to the traditional diaper bag and they will serve your purposes long after little one is out of diapers… Check out some of my favorite large canvas tote bags and I’ll give you a peek into my bag to see the things I never leave home without!

Feed canvas tote $70 (every one of these Feed bags will provide meals for 50 meals for Americans in need)
Now, for the age old question of what’s in my bag… I feel like Mary Poppins at time – with the bottomless bag. A few necessities for me and everything that my little one might possibly need on and outing… Here are the things I don’t leave home without.
MY WALLET. This is pretty obvious, but I like a nice big wallet that zips up neatly (so you know who can’t fish it out and dump everything out) and can fit all my cards, cash, change, receipts and lists.
OVERSIZED SUNGLASSES. This is key, not just because of the sunny weather, but so that I can hide my tired – Max was up all night teething – eyes. Also, comes in handy when you want to look pulled together even though you didn’t have time to put on any makeup.
COSMETICS. I keep a little cosmetic bags with chapstick, lipstick, concealer or whatever I need to face the world (check out my blog on the latest beauty trends for the latest greatest makeup). The cosmetic case is crucial to prevent any potential makeup spills from getting all over the inside of your bag – and again a last line of defense between those products and you know who…
SUNBLOCK. Yes, we do live in Southern California, but I don’t’ go anywhere without sunblock for my little guy. The sun can be so strong and it only takes a little time before baby skin can burn so I am always prepared to spring into action with the sunblock!
DIAPERS DIAPERS DIAPERS. I never leave home without several diapers on hand. When he was a real little baby I probably packed a lot more than I do now but I always want to be prepared. Which ever brand you favor – keep a stash in your bag for outings. I have always been a fan on Pampers – but I will say I’ve just discovered Jessica Alba’s Honest Company diapers – so INSANELY cute with various prints from skulls to anchors to camo – it makes me want to leave little one’s pants at home! I also always carry around some plastic bag for disposing of any soiled diapers and they’re always good to store clothes that little one may have gotten wet (or whatever other mess they get themselves into).
WIPES. I don’t think I’ll ever leave the house again without wipes. Even when Max is in college I think they’ll still always have a place in my bag. They are the essential item for cleaning up all the various messes that come with kids and life in general.
TOYS. Whatever your little one is into – bring a little something to keep him or her entertained. Board books are great, and I love little toy cars or cell phones but never leave the house without something that can provide some sort of distraction. Also, if your little one has a lovey, its always good to have extras for your bag, the car or in case one goes missing…
SIPPY CUP. Whatever you want to have for your little one, water, milk, juice – its always great to have a little something to keep them hydrated.
SNACKS. Kids are growing quickly and seem to constantly need food – plus its another great distraction to keep your little one’s entertained and happy while out and about. I always have the little stackable snack holder and fill with little veggie crackers, blueberries or whatever healthy snacks he likes to eat.
EXTRA LAYER. Temperatures can change so quickly especially when you’re going from inside to outside so I always like to have an extra layer for my little one. Of course, when he was younger I would pack entire alternative outfits in case of an unexpected spit up or blow out, but now I just make sure to have a little sweater for him.
- Old Navy sweatshirt $14
MY SMART PHONE. Of course, in this day and age we don’t go anywhere without our phones – but I love it because the camera on my phone is so great and I never want to miss a photo op! Also, and I’m not a huge advocate for too much screen time for little ones, but we keep some great baby apps (Fisher-Price apps are always great) and the PBS kids app (with great classic shows like Sesame Street and Curious George) on our phones so that when he starts to get fussy while out we have a bit of entertainment for him while we smoothly (and with as little drama) can smoothly make our exit.
SWADDLE BLANKET. I don’t carry this around as much as I did when he was younger – but swaddle blankets are great for adding an extra layer of warmth or some protection from the sun when little one is in their stroller and its also brilliant to put under baby when doing those on the town diaper changes…
Something to say?