I’ve posted about this before, but furniture without corners is an absolute must hone you have children. Having lived in the land of childproofed foam corners I’ve learned my lesson – curved edges look great but are also great for peace of mind. Having a toddler means never sitting down, never taking your eye off the ball and always playing defense, which is why furniture without corners are our first step at protecting our little ones. Listen, accidents happen, they move so quickly and as much as we are right there, having furniture that we love that also don’t double as toddler booby traps is pretty awesome. Check out some of my favorite furniture without corners and make baby proofing your house look fabulous.
MOMMA HURTS… our beloved pet passed away

Our darling Shelby, frolicking in the snow – it seems so surreal that she has passed, but this is how I would like to imagine her enjoying heaven…
Monday night our beloved pet passed away. Shelby was a magnificent dog. A Rhodesian Ridgeback from a champion line – she was strong like a horse and, perhaps, the most beautiful animal I have ever seen. I would always say that Shelby was the perfect dog. Yes, she looked perfect, people would stop on the street and gawk as she prowled by (I say prowled because she would stride along much like the lions her breed were known for hunting in Africa) but she was so much more than just really beautiful. She was strong, fierce, loyal, protective, kind, gentle (well as much as she could be) and all she ever wanted in life was to be loved and be close to us. She was the kind of dog that you had to earn her respect and trust – she wasn’t interested in loud showy people – she would observe quietly and decide if you were worthy and when she would come and put her enormous head in your lap in acceptance and for some cuddles, it felt like you had won something truly special. Her passing was not expected, yes she was just a month shy of 12 but she still looked magnificent, strong and regal. She would still bulldoze past you to get to where she wanted to be, but within days she got weaker, lost her appetite and before we could fix what we had discovered was wrong her light went out… This past January my first pet passed away – our darling Chihuahua, Gucci, so having this loss just 10 months later feels soul destroying.
Our pets are so special. They take over a part of your heart you may not have even known existed before they enter it… They are our fur babies – and I think people who don’t have pets have a hard time understanding what it’s like to go through a loss of a beloved pet. They can’t speak, they can’t tell us what’s wrong, they often suffer in silence and we, as their humans, are their only advocate. They love us unconditionally and more intensely than I believe one human could love another human. Its an unwavering love, a boundless love and when you are with your fur baby you understand that you are the center of their universe and it is our job to protect them.. We are so blessed to have them in our lives and experience that joy but I am reminded now that every day with them is exactly that, a blessing… Our life expectancy is far longer that theirs and so the hard part of having fur babies is that we will outlive them and so here I am and my pet has passed away.
When my husband and I got married I had one dog, Gucci (the sassy chihuahua) and he had two Rhodesian Ridgebacks (Shelby and Chili) – they were all the same age and we were one interesting looking brood. We were living in London and Gucci was working on her English accent while Shelby and Chili ruled Kensington Gardens. Almost 5 years ago we moved to LA and found a home with an enormous garden and in their senior years they have enjoyed ransacking the fruit trees, chasing squirrels and sunbathing. But they were becoming older. It was hard to see because they all looked so good for their age (save for Chili’s white muzzle which I attributed to the fact that she was a rescue and had a few months of stress before joining our family and leaving an former struggle behind). Our dogs are our family and when Max was born 3 dogs who do not particularly care for children cared for him. They were pleasantly surprisingly gentle with him and nurturing, protective and patient. They understood he was also one of us. But as time ticked on we lost Gucci and now our beautiful Shleby girl has passed away too. She had chest X-rays last week which would reveal a massive tumor on her lungs and we went into savior mode making appt with oncologists and surgeons to do whatever was necessary to prolong her life while still making sure not to compromise her quality of life. Perhaps she had been suffering more than we knew because Monday night she took one last breath and went to go join Gucci in heaven.
So now what? Our pet has passed away and we cannot get her back. We have our darling Chili, who is certainly feeling the pain as much as we are. We must all grieve. We must focus on what we have, trust that our beautiful dogs have found each other in heaven and are sharing a salted pigs ear together while watching over us… But it doesn’t bring them back… So, I will share with you what I shared with you 10 months ago when our Gucci passed… A question I hear a lot for people that children when a pet has passed away. How to explain it to them without scaring them but also while introducing the concept of mortality. Our Max is a little over 2 now and he was there when we were trying to revive Shelby, he doesn’t understand what happened but I have still been trying to explain it. This advice I received a couple of years ago was the best I have ever heard for explaining a pet’s passing to kids and how to grieve in front of, and with them:
1) When your pet passes, have an open conversation with your child. It will probably be the first time your little one ever becomes aware of the concept of death.
2) After your pet has passed away use definitive language. This means, don’t use words like: “Shelby has gone away” “Shelby is in a better place” or “Shelby is no longer with us.” This is too vague and could insinuate that she might come back… Or that when you say you’re going away (lets say a business trip or what not) there could be the confusion that you might not come back.. Using words like “Shelby died and we loved her very much and miss her” are fine, if you want to say “Shleby went to heaven and she is with the angels” and then explain what heaven is and that’s where people go when they die (if that is what you believe) then that is fine too. The key is to make sure to use finite language to avoid any misinterpretation..
3) Its okay to cry in front of your little one. Expressing emotion and sadness is good and therapeutic. Its show your children that its okay to mourn and be sad. But, also explain to your little one why you are crying, “mommy is crying because she misses Shelby and is sad. Being sad is okay and crying is okay because its how we deal with losing someone we love.” This is important because it tells your little one that expressing emotion and handling grief is not something to bottle up or hide.
4) Do not let your little one see you break down completely. Believe me, in the last few days my husband and I have been in and out of hysterics – its important to remove yourself from your child if this is coming on. While it is okay for them to see you shed a tear, they don’t need to see you melt down. As much as your heart is breaking over your loss – a break down could scare a child and make them feel very uneasy and scared. If you feel like you can’t control the emotion, go to the bathroom or into another room until you can pull yourself together.
I will be honest. I am broken right now. I wish I cold stop my hands from shaking, my heart from racing and my legs from wanting to give out from under me. A friend of mine sent me this link about losing a pet that’s basically explained by a 6 year old. To sum it up a family has to put their beloved family pet down and they decide it would be okay for their 6 year old to be with them when they did it. Once the dog passed they were talking about how unfair it is that animals live such short lives and the little boys says that he knows why. He says that we as humans are put on the earth to learn how to love and be kind and good and that dogs already know all of those things so they don’t need to stay as long… Profound, true, beautiful and somewhat comforting.
We have loved our darling Shelby beyond words – we have loved her from the depths of our beings and we would have done anything for her and I believe that we gave her the greatest life. She was my husband’s constant companion – truly the definition of man’s best friend. It is going to take awhile before we can breathe again. I am going to take a few days off from the blog to grieve and focus on my family but will be back because distraction is truly the best medicine. We will focus on what we do have, a beautiful, healthy boy and an older, but still very healthy, gorgeous pup. We will put one foot in front of the other while still acknowledging every day the enormous impact our darling Shelby has had on our lives. She has made our universe better simply by being our dog. She will NEVER be forgotten, we will never not feel this loss but we are forever grateful to have had the opportunity to be her parents. We are the lucky ones for having known her, snuggled with her and to have been loved by her – so we shouldn’t cry for ourselves. We have been blessed. But now we have to learn to live without her… Thank you to our beloved Shelby and Gucci for teaching us what love is, for teaching us how to be parents and for giving us so much joy. We will miss you forever. I wanted to share some pictures of our beloved little girl (she may have been a hundred pounds but she’ll always be our little lady). Thank you for letting me share…

Puppy Shelby seriously couldn’t get any cuter… Who knew this little bundle of joy would bring so much immense light into our lives…

Shelby with her best friend and adoptive sister, Chili. They have been by each other’s side for over a decade…

She was so beautiful and so loyal and so perfect. I keep using the word perfect because she was everything great about dogs… She was the perfect dog.

She never really understood her size. She was about a hundred pounds but still thought that as long as her head was hidden nobody could see her…

Moving to LA meant more sunshine than rain, playing outside all the time, and abundance of fruit trees and the perfect way to spend her golden years…

She was large and in charge. She was our protector – she intimidated many but she was just a big soppy cuddle bug…

Man’s best friend… Max has loved his puppies from birth… here they are sharing the couch. Of course, Shelby always took advantage to the no dogs on the couch loop hole (not all 4 legs left the ground).

My husband with his most trusted companions… More than just father and fur babies or best friends – the love they shared was untouchable…

It’s not easy to adjust to a new arrival but he was there’s so there was great love and respect from the very beginning.. Shelby would get up with me during middle of the night feedings standing guard at the door…

She was never as gentle as she was with Max. Having max actually gave me an entirely new love affair with my pups…

Shelby and Gucci – I hope you have found each other in heaven and I pray that you are watching over us – we miss you both so much. Thank you for being the best.
MOMMA KNOWS… the importance of child friendly furniture

When your little one gets mobile – its all about finding child friendly furniture – rounded edges and cushioning are key (and they look a lot better than those foam baby proofing corners)
As soon as your little one starts crawling you realize – your home is a death trap its time for consider child friendly furniture – so that you can keep your home chic without having to bubble wrap the living room. Baby proofing can be overwhelming – it seems everything in your home can inflict harm on your beloved little ones – which is why child friendly furniture is so desirable. Its normal furniture we know a love with rounded edges and softness that allows us to keep our big girl home while feeling comfortable that it won’t cause injury to our little girls and boys… This does not, however, mean you can rest easy and take your eyes off of them for one minute – newly mobile infants and clumsy toddlers can always find trouble – it just means that you can rest a little easier. Check out some of my favorite child friendly furniture to keep your home safe without sacrificing your aesthetic!
MOMMA NEEDS… more storage solutions to hide the toys!

So happy that he had a great birthday… but now it’s time to find storage for all the mess (aka toys) – loving his new Little Tikes tire toy box – will be perfect as his nursery becomes a race car themed bedroom..
So, my son just turned 2 last week and it’s amazing how much he’s managed to accumulate in that short span of time that has meant an immediate need for us to find more storage solutions. Great toy boxes for him that are both cute and functional for his room but also more storage for our living space that can hide his latest acquisitions while also serving our needs and personal (adult) taste. More storage doesn’t have to mean big ugly boxes or plastic bins – there are so many incredibly fun and surprisingly elegant options that are more furniture and room accents than functional eye sores… Check out some more storage solutions for our little one’s room and some chic options for our big people rooms!
First more storage for our space:

Mollie trunk $499 (seems to defeat the purpose but imagine all the stuffed animals, trucks or legos in this box and it turns messy toys in to contained cool)
And more storage solutions for our little one’s rooms:
MATERNITY MONDAY… fabulous diaper bags for mom’s to be!
You’re pregnant, life is about to change dramatically, nothing seems clears except that all expectant moms are going to need fabulous diaper bags before too long! You will have a whole new haul to carry around, diapers, changes of clothes, wipes, pacifiers, lovies, blankets, bottles and so much more, so it’s essential to find a carry-all that not only fits everything, but you also absolutely love! Fabulous diaper bags are practical, (usually durable and water resistant), have all the pockets you need, a changing pad, whilst also ticking all your aesthetic boxes as well. You may not feel like carrying a bag as well as your little one’s so make sure you love this bag enough to service your needs as well as theirs. Check out some of my favorite fabulous diaper bags – they are truly a must have for all expectant moms so be discerning and have fun choosing yours!
MOMMA KNOWS… its time for summer skin and hair care!

Applying sunblock may not be the most fun – but it IS extremely important – yes it will prevent wrinkles but it will also prevent cancer! Its time to review some summer beauty tips to see you through the season.
The sun is out and hotter than ever, so it’s time to start thinking about summer skin and hair care. Summer time means more time outside at the beach, by the pool or just out and about – but the heat and sun can take its toll on our appearance. Summer skin and hair care is all about protection, maintenance and a certain amount of giving into the elements and enjoying it. Getting a little color (as safely and slowly as possible) gives a healthy glow, embracing your slight wavy or incredible curls can be gorgeous and caring for our largest organ (our skin) is not just an aesthetic concern, it is ultimately best for our overall health and well being. Yes, summer mean spending lots more time outside. It means vacations, the beach and generally enjoying the great outdoors – so check out some of my top tips and products for summer skin and hair care to get the most out of the season looking and feeling great!
First and foremost – sunblock is not just a suggestion – it is a MUST for everyone in your family (including you)! Yes, it keeps wrinkles and other signs of aging (like dark spots) at bay but most importantly it protects us from harmful UV rays which can ultimately cause skin cancer. Always wear minimum of spf 15 (preferably higher) even if you’re just in your car, remember to reapply and for your little ones be extra vigilant for that precious delicate skin – I use SPF 50 on Max – he hates it – but it’s not up for negotiation.
And for our little ones:
One of the biggest summer skin issues are break outs. Being outside in the heat means we sweat and our pores can get clogged leading to unsightly acne. I always use a different sunblock for my face which is oil free to help ensure that dirt and oil don’t get trapped. I also always use a higher spf on my face – I would rather have a pale face that I can add some bronzer too for that summer glow than have the wrinkles and brown spots that come with any kind of tan… Then I opt for a skin care regime that is geared towards fighting break outs while still keeping my skin moist (in order to fight the aging process) – remember, a lot of acne treatments are drying so make sure to compensate with an appropriate moisturizer.
Exfoliation and moisturizing are incredibly important for making skin look supple and silky. It you are working on your tan (hopefully gradually with plenty of spf and no burning) or using fake tanners it’s all about exfoliating first and then maintaining your glow with plenty of moisture.
PS – extra tips – Max was born in June and it was hot hot hot and I found he was prone to heat rashes – a luke warm bath with baking soda is a miracle at treating heat rash (as well as bad diaper rash or most skin ailments). Also, if you of happen to burn (we’ve all missed a spot when applying sunblock or neglected to reapply after being in the water) I have found dairy products are great for soothing red skin – a cloth dipped in milk or even just applying some yogurt to those hot spots can help provide relief. But please be vigilant with the sunblock!!!
We do tend to be more conscious now a days of protecting our skin but we mustn’t forget out hair! The sun and heat depletes moisture, lightens it and can ultimately lead to dry unruly hair… If you can, opt to accessories with hats or scarves to protect your follicles, but also give your hair some extra moisture treatments.
Salt water and pool chemicals are also not great friends to your lucious locks. I like to try to keep my hair out of chlorinated pools and take a nod from the surfers and go with the flow allowing salt water to add texture to my hair. Giving into your hairs natural curl can be fun and easier than trying to fight it. Your hair will get enough heat damage from being outside so try to lay of styling tools like hair dryers and straightening irons. Use products that enhance your natural texture and work with it. I call it my vacation hair (because I always leave those styling tools at home when I travel) – I apply curling balms, scrunch my hair an even put it in little buns around my head to give it extra curl (my hair is naturally straight with a slight wave that actually became kinkier post baby) so I have to work a bit harder to emphasize the curl and get those fabulous tousled waves. You can still control the frizz but enjoy a new summer look by embracing your curls!

Bumble and Bumble surf spray $26 (hair stylists use this all the time to add texture and give the look of beachy hair)
MOMMA NEEDS… large canvas tote bags

My reversible Valentino camo print canvas tote and some of the things that go in it! The perfect stylish mom’s carry all!
Large Canvas tote bags are part of a mom’s uniform. I have found my Valentino camo print tote to be the perfect non diaper bag carry all. I love it because it’s very me AND suits all my mommy needs. Its fashion and fabulous, but I can still throw all of Max’s stuff in there and be prepped for whatever toddler mishaps might come. Canvas tote bags are great because they’re durable and they can fit lots of stuff in them – and what’s better is that there are so many stylish options out there that the bag you carry to the park can be the same bag you carry to brunch with the ladies. Every woman needs a fantastic large canvas tote bag that ticks both the form and function boxes – you know, a bag that multi-tasks so it can keep up with you. They are a brilliant alternative to the traditional diaper bag and they will serve your purposes long after little one is out of diapers… Check out some of my favorite large canvas tote bags and I’ll give you a peek into my bag to see the things I never leave home without!

Feed canvas tote $70 (every one of these Feed bags will provide meals for 50 meals for Americans in need)
Now, for the age old question of what’s in my bag… I feel like Mary Poppins at time – with the bottomless bag. A few necessities for me and everything that my little one might possibly need on and outing… Here are the things I don’t leave home without.
MY WALLET. This is pretty obvious, but I like a nice big wallet that zips up neatly (so you know who can’t fish it out and dump everything out) and can fit all my cards, cash, change, receipts and lists.
OVERSIZED SUNGLASSES. This is key, not just because of the sunny weather, but so that I can hide my tired – Max was up all night teething – eyes. Also, comes in handy when you want to look pulled together even though you didn’t have time to put on any makeup.
COSMETICS. I keep a little cosmetic bags with chapstick, lipstick, concealer or whatever I need to face the world (check out my blog on the latest beauty trends for the latest greatest makeup). The cosmetic case is crucial to prevent any potential makeup spills from getting all over the inside of your bag – and again a last line of defense between those products and you know who…
SUNBLOCK. Yes, we do live in Southern California, but I don’t’ go anywhere without sunblock for my little guy. The sun can be so strong and it only takes a little time before baby skin can burn so I am always prepared to spring into action with the sunblock!
DIAPERS DIAPERS DIAPERS. I never leave home without several diapers on hand. When he was a real little baby I probably packed a lot more than I do now but I always want to be prepared. Which ever brand you favor – keep a stash in your bag for outings. I have always been a fan on Pampers – but I will say I’ve just discovered Jessica Alba’s Honest Company diapers – so INSANELY cute with various prints from skulls to anchors to camo – it makes me want to leave little one’s pants at home! I also always carry around some plastic bag for disposing of any soiled diapers and they’re always good to store clothes that little one may have gotten wet (or whatever other mess they get themselves into).
WIPES. I don’t think I’ll ever leave the house again without wipes. Even when Max is in college I think they’ll still always have a place in my bag. They are the essential item for cleaning up all the various messes that come with kids and life in general.
TOYS. Whatever your little one is into – bring a little something to keep him or her entertained. Board books are great, and I love little toy cars or cell phones but never leave the house without something that can provide some sort of distraction. Also, if your little one has a lovey, its always good to have extras for your bag, the car or in case one goes missing…
SIPPY CUP. Whatever you want to have for your little one, water, milk, juice – its always great to have a little something to keep them hydrated.
SNACKS. Kids are growing quickly and seem to constantly need food – plus its another great distraction to keep your little one’s entertained and happy while out and about. I always have the little stackable snack holder and fill with little veggie crackers, blueberries or whatever healthy snacks he likes to eat.
EXTRA LAYER. Temperatures can change so quickly especially when you’re going from inside to outside so I always like to have an extra layer for my little one. Of course, when he was younger I would pack entire alternative outfits in case of an unexpected spit up or blow out, but now I just make sure to have a little sweater for him.
- Old Navy sweatshirt $14
MY SMART PHONE. Of course, in this day and age we don’t go anywhere without our phones – but I love it because the camera on my phone is so great and I never want to miss a photo op! Also, and I’m not a huge advocate for too much screen time for little ones, but we keep some great baby apps (Fisher-Price apps are always great) and the PBS kids app (with great classic shows like Sesame Street and Curious George) on our phones so that when he starts to get fussy while out we have a bit of entertainment for him while we smoothly (and with as little drama) can smoothly make our exit.
SWADDLE BLANKET. I don’t carry this around as much as I did when he was younger – but swaddle blankets are great for adding an extra layer of warmth or some protection from the sun when little one is in their stroller and its also brilliant to put under baby when doing those on the town diaper changes…
MATERNITY MONDAY – the nursery essentials

clockwise from top left – days before max’s arrival – bassinet is ready (and so am I), max in his bassinet, and pictures of the nursery prepped and ready from months of nesting…
There is a reason we’re pregnant for 9 months – and it’s not just so our babies can cook (well, its mostly for that) – but it’s also to give us time to prepare for baby mentally and physically! You may notice around 5 months that you go into full on nesting mode. I actually woke up one day compelled to get organized – I woke my husband up at 6am on a Saturday with the words “we need to get to Target right now.” There is an urgency that comes with pregnancy to get your space ready for the new arrival, so I am dedicating this post to the nursery essentials to get your started! I’m not talking about baby clothes and plush toys – I’m talking about the nursery essentials to help satisfy your nesting needs.
THE BASSINET: This is far more a nursery essential that a crib for the first 3 months. The first 3 months of life your baby will most likely be in your room with you (for both convenience and the health and safety of your new little on), so a bassinet (or moses basket) you can put next to your bed and easily take with you from room to room is a must have. Babies sleep A LOT in the beginning so the bassinet is where they will be spending the bulk of their time.
THE CHANGING TABLE. You will be changing A LOT of diapers – more than you ever though possible so a changing table or dresser or at the very least the countered changing pad is essential. I have 2 of the changing pads – one for in the nursery and one that I keep in the bathroom for bath time – but is easy to take from room to room is need be. If you’re limited for space a great dresser can double as a changing table while also giving you storage for all those cute baby clothes!
BREAST FEEDING ESSENTIALS: Breast feeding, for me, was the hardest part of the whole newborn process – but totally worth it and for those that are struggling keep at it, find a pump station and don’t be afraid to ask for help from a lactation consultant… Nothing is better than breast milk for babies (if you can do it) for those who struggle with latching issues pumping is always a great option. My son was 9 pound 5 ounces when he was born, so I had to start pumping while at the hospital to try to increase my milk production. Pumping (and my daily oatmeal) helped me become an over producer, which was great because I was able to pump enough to keep him on rest milk 4 months after I stopped breast feeding. Just make sure you have the proper tools to make your life as easy as possible during this time! Also – get comfortable – have a great chair (check out my post from a couple weeks ago on gliders and rockers ) the more relaxed you aren the more relaxed baby is and the easier the whole process.
SWADDLE BLANKETS: Swaddling is a must do for baby – it keeps them warm, safe and secure almost replicating the tight security from being in the womb. I read Dr. Karp’s The Happiest Baby on the Block about a week after having Max and it was a game changer. Once I figured out how to swaddle (shush, sway etc) I felt like I finally had some sort of grasp of the whole parenting thing… So having great swaddle blankets are serious nursery essential!

Aden + Anais swaddle 4 pack $49.95 (these are great for swaddling but also just covering baby up for outings and keeping around the house for unexpected spit ups or a cozy cuddle)

Summer Infant velcro swaddle 2 pack $21.79 (obsessed with these – they’re fool proof and little one can’t break free – fantastic for those delirious middle of the night feeds and changes)
BOUNCERS, ROCKERS & SWINGS: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, my fisher price monkey chair and snuggabunny were my life savers during the first 9 months of Max’s life. Unbelievable how these little chairs can instantly soothe our little ones and allow us some hands free time to do other things like cook or even use the bathroom. One night, after hours of middle of night screaming, I got on the computer and ordered the monkey chair (which a friend of mine had and swore by) and when it arrived my whole life became 10 times easier. I buy one of these chairs for all of my expectant friends knowing they’ll truly understand it’s value soon enough…

Fisher-Price Monkey bouncer $40.99 (ugly, yes – but a miracle worker – I didn’t use the toy bar until he was a bit older and then that was great entertainment for him as well!)
BABY MONITORS: As I mentioned, your baby will sleep A LOT in the first couple of months (although not always when you want them to) so having a great baby monitor is essential. Being able to see, hear and even talk to your baby when they’re in the next room can give you peace of mind to do the things you need to (like nap) while they sleep. Technology is so amazing that you can even get monitors with wi-fi which will allow you to connect through an app on your mobile device so you can monitor your child even when you’re not at home! Another great monitor, for those particular nervous about SIDS, are pads you can put under them which will alert you to any sudden changes in their breathing.

Summer Infant Baby Zoom wi-fi video monitor $259.99 (monitor which you can download an app for so that you can monitor your baby from your iPhone when out of the house!)
CAR SEAT: The first thing you need when you leave the hospital after baby is a car seat to get your little one home! There are plenty of great infant car seats – just make sure to never buy a second hand car seat (this is a big no-no) and to get it properly installed (there are places that have professional car seat installers – even a fire station or highway patrol will help install it correctly). Remember to keep your babies rear facing until 2. Some people like to turn their little ones around sooner but there is absolutely no question that before the age of 2, if you get in an accident with little one in the car they are far safer when they are rear facing. The great thing about these infant car seats is that they are also carriers so take into restaurants or to snap into a stroller frame without having to wake your sleeping angel.
MOMMA KNOWS… coconut oil is a miracle product
Coconut oil is the little product that could. First of all, my husband can’t (like many others out there) have anything with dairy in it… Well, the first amazing thing coconut oil can do is substitute butter or shortening in baking and cooking. Not only does it taste amazing in deserts but it’s also healthier and more efficient (it has a higher smoke point!) than even olive or vegetable oils when used for cooking. But coconut oil has many home remedy benefits but the ones I use it and love it for is as a natural moisturizer for me and my little one. Nothing can cure dry itchy skin (or even cradle cap for babies) better than coconut oil – its THE most natural and effective remedy. When rubbed into skin during pregnancy it can help prevent stretch marks, it can cure dry chapped elbows, be used on nipples when breast feeding and even clear up baby’s diaper rash! If you don’t already have this in your home you need it now and you will never turn back!
Also, just because I have found it endlessly useful – I am obsessed with this gluten free brownie mix by King Arthur. I use coconut oil in place of butter or vegetable oil making it gluten AND dairy free…. It is delicious! I know sometime the thought of dairy free and gluten fee insinuates disgusting – but they’re so moist, amazing and (for busy moms) they take NO time! PS – for those less scared of dairy I do sometime chop up half of a dark chocolate candy bar (with something like mint, caramel or sea salt almonds) and add them to the mix – takes everything up a notch and makes them look that much more homemade!
MOMMA HURTS… dealing with the loss of a pet
So, yesterday, I love one of my best friends. My beloved, adored, cherished companion, Gucci, my 11 year old Chihuahua. We’ve been through so much together – she was always by my side – a model for Marie Claire on multiple occasions, a first class passenger on several cross atlantic flight, she approved my simon and was there for the wedding. She was patient following the birth of my beloved Max. Very sadly, she was diagnosed with mitral valve disease about 4 years ago which sent us into a tizzy. We did all the research and saw multiple cardiologists and had her on a cocktail of medications to keep her healthy, reduced her stress levels to make sure her heart never went into over drive, reduced her salt intake to literally nothing (which meant max never ate anything with any salt since it would end up on the floor) and monitored her breathing several times a day every day over the last 4 years. We would have done anything for her. In fact, she died during a routine vet visit. We took her and her 2 sister dogs in yesterday morning for their routine check up and she ultimately passed during her chest x-ray simply from the stress of being at the vet. They did everything to save her, but to no avail. She passed away because her heart was simply too big. This is the truth.
I wanted to share this because I have just done a post on heart prints and love – and she was my first baby and one of my greatest loves. Also, because I wanted to share some advice on dealing with the loss of a pet that I got from a fellow mom not too long ago. The advice was how to deal with children and the passing of a pet. Max is truly still to young for a lot of this… But her words were wise…
1) When your pet passes, have an open conversation with your child. It will probably be the first time your little one ever becomes aware of the concept of death.
2) After your pet has passed use definitive language. This means, don’t use words like: “gucci has gone away” “gucci is in a better place” or “gucci is no longer with us.” This is too vague and could insinuate that she might come back… Or that when you say you’re going away (lets say a business trip or what not) there could be the confusion that you might not come back.. Using words like “gucci died and we loved her very much and miss her” are fine, if you want to say “gucci went to heaven and she is with the angels” and then explain what heaven is and that’s where people go when they die (if that is what you believe) then that is fine too. The key is to make sure to use finite language to avoid any misinterpretation..
3) Its okay to cry in front of your little one. Expressing emotion and sadness is good and therapeutic. Its show your children that its okay to mourn and be sad. But, also explain to your little one why you are crying, “mommy is crying because she misses Gucci and is sad. Being sad is okay and crying is okay because its how we deal with losing someone we love.” This is important because it tells your little one that expressing emotion and handling grief is not something to bottle up or hide.
4) Do not let your little one see you break down completely. Believe me, in the last 18 hours my husband and I have been in and out of hysterics – its important to remove yourself from your child if this is coming on. While it is okay for them to see you shed a tear, they don’t need to see you melt down. As much as your heart is breaking over your loss – a break down could scare a child and make them feel very uneasy and scared. If you feel like you can’t control the emotion, go to the bathroom or into another room until you can pull yourself together.
I will be honest. I am broken right now. I wish I cold stop my hands from shaking, my heart from racing and my legs from wanting to give out from under me. A friend of mine sent me this link about losing a pet that’s basically explained by a 6 year old. To sum it up a family has to put their beloved family pet down and they decide it would be okay for their 6 year old to be with them when they did it. Once the dog passed they were talking about how unfair it is that animals live such short lives and the little boys says that he knows why. He says that we as humans are put on the earth to learn how to love and be kind and good and that dogs already know all of those things so they don’t need to stay as long… Profound, true, beautiful and somewhat comforting. My plan is to keep going and keep myself distracted with my 2 dogs, my darling baby boy, my husband and my work, allowing myself to cry and waiting for the total distress to eventually pass. In the meantime – I wanted to share some photos of my beloved girl. Dealing with the loss of a pet is one of the hardest things because all they ever want is to love you – they may be the only ones truly capable of unconditional love. They enrich our life and teach us how to love. Please feel free to share your comments below, thoughts on a pet that you may have lost and miss, or ways that you dealt with the loss of a pet and how you you managed it with your children. Thank you for reading and never miss a moment to tell those close to you just how much you love them.

My little girl when I first got her back in New York in 2002 – her ears were so darn big and she was only 1 pound!

Gucci’s first modeling job for Marie Claire – she became the house model for a period of time… I mean, with that face she was in demand!

She really was such a little love bug and when Simon and I first got together I think she thought he was her boyfriend…

Simon and I married in 2006 and we had to have Gucci there to celebrate with us… She may have been the biggest hit of the night!

Following the wedding and the honeymoon we moved from New York to London where Gucci met her new Rhodesian Ridgeback sisters, Shelby and Chili, for the first time. Make no mistake – she made sure everyone understood there was a new queen in town.

This is her – you are not putting me in that bag – look. I though Gucci in Hermes would be quite fabulous…. But really she was tougher than that – she was “The Guch”

Listen, i’m a stylist, and the cold weather in London meant Gucci had to wear a lot of sweaters, coats and the occasional elf costume.

2010 Gucci got back on that long journey across the pond – this time to sunny Los Angeles – she settled in nicely, worked on her tan and lost the winter weight happily spending plenty of time basking by the pool.

Max’s arrival might have been a bit confusing… A new little person meant less attention for all the pups – but then again, he was a secondary source of food – so she always kept close to the little man.

She has always shared our bed… And when Max arrived she was kind enough to share some of her bed space with him when he would join us in the middle of the night…

Max loves his car – Guch simply wanted to see what all the fuss was about… she just couldn’t reach the gas pedal…

Max’s sidekick. She always knew wherever he was, we were, and we have 2 hands – one to play with him and one to pet her… often times we had both Gucci and Max on our laps at the same time..

One of my all time favorite pictures… She was a real personality – for a small dog she sure could entertain, dominate, endear…. and I miss her like crazy.