I’m a girl who loves shoes, so fantasy footwear is always on my radar. I’ve done these posts a couple of times now because I just never tire of fabulous shoes! These aren’t your practical shoes, they’re hardly even functional – fantasy footwear are water cooler shoes. Shoes that may strangers stop you in the street to talk about them, gawk, even take pictures (believe me, it’s happened). Fantasy footwear can be astronomically expensive and entirely impractical – they are often closer to art that a simple accessory. In fact, they may only get worn a handful of times a year but when you do, you get your money’s worth. These aren’t shoes that make the outfit, fantasy footwear IS the outfit. And even if we never take the dive and buy a pair of these crazy kicks – it’s still fun to see them and it’s always good to want things. Check out some of the latest fantasy footwear that’s caught my eye and gotten my heart racing!
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