So, you’re dressing for 2 these days which means saying good bye to your skinny jeans and hello to maternity wear (perhaps even some maternity skinny jeans). Its also summer time, and as a woman who was at the height of her pregnancy this time 2 years ago I can assure you there is nothing less comfortable than being with child in this heat… Great maternity wear that you feel comfortable in is essential the fact that you it can look amazing as well is the icing on top! You want to embrace this time and celebrate your shape – so incredible maternity wear is that much more important because you want to take lots of pictures and get out and about (before the new addition arrives and you’re side lined for awhile). Check out some of the latest and greatest maternity wear that will keep you looking incredible while also comfortably beating the heat.

Hatch maternity dress $328 (the brilliant thing about Hatch is that its meant to be just as wearable when you’re not pregnant!)
And a few maternity swimwear options because you might want to hit the beach to cool down…
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