Rockin’ in his new school shoes – out with the old (sniff sniff sad face) and in with a whole new crop of adorable!
I have a true addiction to kids shoes – I mean, I love shoes anyway, but when they come all miniature and adorable, I cannot stop myself. I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing since my little man keeps growing out of his shoes at an alarming rate – this is hard because I am left with shoes he’s never even worn, BUT I have an excuse to keep on buying more shoes. These insanely cute kids shoes include everything from rain boots to doc martins and sneakers to sandals, and while he might get more enjoyment trying on my shoes (or my husbands) and waddling around the house, I get enormous pleasure in getting hims the latest and greatest mini me shoes (okay, not mini ME as much as just mini – no heels for him). These little ones need shoes, so may as well find the most adorable ones, right? So check out my favorite kids shoes – Max has just grown out of size 8 so I’m on the hunt and springtime is coming!
Adorable shoes for our mini me’s:
Super cute shoes for our super cute little guys:
Something to say?