Max in his denim jacket and me in tweed Rebecca Taylor – jackets are great transitional pieces to layer in winter and see you through spring!
As I have mentioned before, I have a slight addiction to jackets. They’re the perfect item in every wardrobe – they can transition your from desk to date, the park to brunch and from the polar vortex of a winter into the much anticipated spring time. Chic, well tailored jackets are always in style, always look amazing and can transform even the most ordinary outfit in to street chic perfections! For most of you, the winter has been long and incredibly arduous, which makes looking at all the spring/summer clothes out there seem irrelevant - but great jackets are wearable all year round. Layer them under your heavy coats to give you that extra protection from the cold and then as the snow melts and the sun returns your good to go for the warmer weather! Check out some of the great new jackets that will give you the fashion lift to get you into spring summer for both you and your little ones!
First, jackets for us:
And for our little ones:
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