Now that it’s hot out and we need to worry more about bringing sunblock with rather than a jacket – its time to focus on outfits!
Honestly, kids summer clothes are by far my favorite – they adorable mini me style makes me long for a little girl, but don’t worry about me I’m having plenty of fun dressing up my little guy! From little summer dresses to shorts and tees the cuteness overload in in full effect. I just love seeing my little Max running around in his shorts and tanks like it makes sense – because it does and his little summer clothes wardrobe makes me insanely happy. They’ve got to stay cool and look cool in the heat, and even though most everything gets covered in mud, grass stains and popsicles – it’s totally worth it. Check out some of my favorite kids summer clothes because they are SO much cuter than ours…
First for our littles ones:
And adorable kids summer clothes for our slightly bigger little ones:
Something to say?