Max’s car print Converse sneakers and my new pistol print Miu Miu flats are two of our favorite pairs of shoes for making a stylish statement!
Last week I talked about all the playful pattern mixing out there but there’s another way to pop your look and that’s with some fabulous printed accessories! Whether you want to pair these bags and shoes with clashing printed clothes or pop a neutral outfit – these accessories are hot hot hot! Everything from pretty florals to patent pistols – these printed accessories are loud, proud and insanely cool. I am of the school of keeping a neutral “uniform” – jeans, tees, little black dresses – the things that never go out of style and then turning them fashion with fabulous accessories – and printed accessories are often the key to maximum impact! Once again, these are the bags and shoes that stop traffic and have men and women taking notice. Check out some of my favorite printed accessories to add some sugar and/or spice to your look!
First some fabulous printed shoes!
Some fabulous printed bags…
And some printed accessories for our little ones:
Something to say?