I am obsessed with my new ALC sweater – its the perfect transitional knit! I guess it’s time to get ready for fall!

I actually look forward to wearing knits and jackets (this is southern California so nothing much heavier for us)!
Its that time of year again, when there are a few summer bits left on the sale racks and fall fashion is in full bloom – so it’s time to start looking for those transitional knits! The great sweaters that will see us through the next few months as the nights get chillier but will still be entirely useful under those big heavy winter coats. Transitional knits are not those great chunky knits – these are thinner, more streamline and add an extra layer of warmth without leaving you feeling over heated. They are the perfect items of clothing to buy right now because you can wear it now and you can wear it later! Transitional knits are the perfect pullover or cardigan to throw in your bag and throw over your summer look when the air gets crisp. Check out some of my favorite transitional knits you (and your little ones) have to have now!
First some transitional knits for our littlest ones…
And transition knits for our slightly bigger little ones:
Something to say?