The fashion industry today is bigger than ever which means that we can some incredible looks for less money! People care more and more about fashion, regardless of their lifestyle or economic circumstances and this high demand has naturally meant more and more product that doesn’t cost a fortune! Getting great looks for less means that we get to have that high end style we covet at reasonable prices. Looking fabulous doesn’t mean breaking the bank – it simply means finding those great deals to achieve to look you want. My under $100 is all about bringing you those high fashion looks for less so that you can feel like a million without breaking the bank. Check out some of my favorite style savings this week that won’t want to miss!
MOMMA LOVES… crop tops (they’re more wearable than you think!)

Crop tops don’t have to leave you over exposed – layer them over a shirt for a more conservative yet fashionable look or pair them with a high waisted bottom revealing just an inch or two of midriff for a more modern sexy, yet elegant look.
I know you’ve seen them everywhere and thought, I can’t wear crop tops! But you can and they’re far more versatile than you think. You don’t have to be 20 years old and skinny as a rake either! Crop tops have been, well, cropping up all over the place and the chicest way to wear them is with a high waisted skirt, pant or even under a pair of overalls so (if anything) all you get is an inch or 2 of exposed mid riff. Not belly button but around the area a couple inches above your belly button. This gives you that great cutout look without feeling over exposed. Now for those of you who still feel like crop tops aren’t for you – my favorite way to wear it is layered over another (longer) top or even a dress. The layered look is incredibly popular and this time of year more than ever! Its during the transitional months between seasons that having items we can wear now and wear later (by layering) are most important! Crop tops are easy to layer over something as simple as your favorite camisole or over a classic white button front shirt! Crop tops layered on top instantly transforms a simple top into something far more fashion forward and interesting. Whether boxy or body conscious, slightly cropped or just under the bust, knit or sleeveless there are plenty of options for every style and level of bravery. Check out some of my favorite crop tops that you can wear now and you can wear later – however much skin you want to show is up to you (but keep it class ladies)!

Tyler for Intermix 2 in 1 combo top $270 (here you have both the crop top and bottom layer in 1 – great example of how you could style the look)
MOMMA LOVES… 50 shades of gray accessories
There is a new neutral in town and its sure to transition you season to season – gray accessories are the perfect accompaniment to every look. Gray accessories are brilliant because they can’t be defined by a season – they work just as perfectly with summer’s whites and brights as they do with winter’s darker hues. They’re safer than white because they hide wear and tear but give more texture and dimension than classic black. I have been a long time fan of gray accessories – they are timeless, classic and incredibly chic! Whether you prefer warmer tones or cooler shades – there’s a hue for you – plus its on everyone’s radar for the fall season! Check out some of my favorite gray accessories that will be perfect finishing touches for your looks now and later!
First some fabulous bags!
Of course some incredible gray shoes…
And of course some gray accessories (shoes) for our little ones:
MOMMA LOVES… a shift dress for all occasions

A great shift dress can transition you for every occasion and season to season. Perfect for work, an evening out…
The classic shift dress is the perfect go-to item for just about all of your needs. A shift dress is quit a simple straight cut dress that sits close to the body without accentuate curves of cinch at the waist. This style of dress was made popular in the 60′s with the mod look that countered the 50′s fit and flare silhouette. A shift dress can be styled down for day with flats for running around town, dressed up for the perfect office friendly look and can also easily transition to sexy and cool for evening. The shift dress is classic, elegant and so simple to wear regardless of your personal taste or lifestyle. It is also a perfect dress for the little ladies in our life – always cute, adorable yet comfortable for them. A great shift dress is also seasonless – perfect with sandals in the summer time or with tights and boots for the colder months, and you have to love items you can wear all year long! Check out some of my favorites and have fun finding the perfect shift dress for you (and your little ones)!
First for us:
And some shift dress options for our little ladies:
MATERNITY MONDAY… fashionable maternity clothes
No more frumpy pregnancy mumu’s because fashionable maternity clothes are real and they’re fabulous! Let’s face it, pregnancy doesn’t happen later on in life so there’s no reason for it to look matronly! We are young, style savvy and actually want to show off our bump so fashionable maternity clothes aren’t just a nice idea – they’re essential! I say it all the time, just because you’ve got a bun in the oven it doesn’t mean you’re style aesthetic has to change! Adjust, yes, but you can still be as stylish as ever because now you’re dressing for 2! Check out some of my favorite fashionable maternity clothes that you won’t want to let go of once you start dressing for 1 again!
MOMMA KNOWS… the beauty secrets you need now

My secret to healthy hair is less is more! The less you wash it – the shinier, stronger and longer it grows! This is a flash back of Max and I – another great beauty secret – you always look more beautiful when you smile!
I think by now we know the universal beauty secrets like drink more water and bronzer is cheaper than botox (spf people – all day every day) but its the tips I’ve learned from some of the top hair stylists and makeup artists I want to share with you today… Every time I’m on set with some of the beauty industry’s finest I learn something new and here’s the shocker – sometimes these tricks don’t come with the hefty price tag. Some of my favorite beauty secrets involve items that you have already – you just didn’t realize what else they can do! Other times I have learnt that in fact – less is more. We are so inundated with new products on the market to achieve the latest look when in actual fact, sometimes the greatest beauty secret is that we need a break from it all… So keep drinking water wearing sunblock and check out some of my favorite beauty secrets for a younger more refreshed looking you!
Beware of using powder. A light dusting o the t-zone area for really oily skin is okay but it’s better to use oil blotting papers in order to avoid a caked on look. Also, powder can settle into those fine lines around our eyes and mouth which will make us look older (no thank you!). Also, using a tinted moisturizer is always best for giving us the moisture our skin craves without looking thick.
Contouring! This is the true beauty secret of the makeup artists to the stars – it’s all about using highlights and contours to give your bone structure a bit of a helping hand. Bronzer should be used under your cheek line (basically sweeping along under the apples of your cheeks) it can also be used along your jawline, along your temples and down the sides of your neck. ALWAYS remember to blend – the key is to make the shadows look natural. Blush should be applied above your cheekbone to the apples of your cheeks – you can find those apples by smiling apply lightly and blend! Then apply your highlighter to those areas that naturally catch light – under the brows and alone the top of your cheek bones sweeping upwards toward your temple. Of course there are may other ways to use contouring but beware to use in moderation and keep the look natural – bringing out your natural beauty rather than caking it on.
White eye liner! I’ve said it before, but it’s one of my favorite beauty tricks – applying white eye liner to the waterline (inside lash line) makes your eyes look bigger, whiter and brighter! For an extra pop of bright eyes you can also apply the eyeliner to the inside corner of your eye (closest to your nose) to give a wider eyed fresh faced look. Another great use for your white eyeliner is as a primer for your eye shadow (you can also just use your foundation over the entire eye lid to the brow) but using the white will make the color of your shadow more intense and keep it in place longer!
I have been a long time fan of Benefit’s eye bright… Apply it in the inner corner where your eye hits your nose, under your brow line and at the outer corners of your eyes, blend and it creates a highlight that refracts light and makes it look as though you’ve had a proper night sleep (which, if you’re like me is a distant memory!)
A great eye lash curler! I SWEAR by my Shu Uemura eye lash curler… Curling your eye lashes makes them appear ten times longer! Additional tip – heat your curler! Just blast it with a hair dryer (I’ve even just held it up to my lamp) for about 5 seconds and it just makes gives your lashes that extra boost! Heat also helps make eyeliner glide on smoother. I just scribble on the back of my hand with it for a bit – the friction heats the liner just enough to make application that much easier.
Make lashes look thicker by applying some baby powder (with a cue tip) to your lashes before applying mascara. The baby powder will stick to your lashes giving them a fuller more luscious look!
The secret to great looking lips – exfoliate, define, color and keep lipstick in place! First, exfoliating is simple, apply a lip balm and use a tooth brush to lightly scrub them in a circular motion then wipe away the execs flakes. Next, define lips with a neutral lip liner – if you want a fuller look you can extend your lip line (very slightly – you don’t want to look clowny) with the lip liner and fill in. Finally, apply the lip color of your choice and then place a tissue over your pout dust on top of the tissue with translucent powder – this makes your lipstick last longer! Oh, and of course, the old trick of sticking one finger in your mouth and pulling it out – all the lipstick that ends up on your finger would have ended up on your teeth… your welcome.
Make your makeup go further!! One trick is to have your lipstick double as a cream blush – but you can also get 2 in ones such as the bars multiple stick or Benefit’s benetint which work for both lips and cheeks!

Maybelline colorsensational vivids lipstick $7.49 (one of these great lipstick colors could double as a cream blush)
When it comes to hair care – this is when I believe less is more… Less washing, less product, less heat = healthier, stronger, better looking hair. My hair is long. Like SUPER long… It’s my thing, my trademark and even when I contemplate cutting it my husband and hair stylist talk me out of it… The question I get most is how does your hair look so strong and healthy with barely any split ends? The answer, I only wash it every 3 to 4 days… It started out as convenience (washing my hair is like washing a car – and blow drying… yikes!) and then out of necessity – having a child I simply didn’t have the time or energy. And you know what? My hair got used to it. Less washing means less products stripping your hair of it’s natural moisture, color and condition – it also means less heat from the hot shower, hair dryer and flat irons (although I rarely rarely use a flat iron). All of this less means more healthy looking hair! I also only shampoo the roots of my hair and then let the water carry it through and I only condition the ends of my hair to prevent the top of my head from getting too greasy… And for those of you terrified of abandoning their daily or even every other daily hair washes – there is no need to fret because dry shampoo is your hair’s new hero. Dry shampoo not only cuts the oil it also gives lift and volume to your hair revitalizing it and allowing you to go longer and longer between washes!
Protect and preserve your hair color without having to run to the salon constantly. Getting your roots done constantly is not only expensive but also takes it’s toll on your hair’s condition. In the interim between getting your color done use a root concealer to cover up those pesky grays. Even mascara can work (for brunettes) in a pinch to touch them up. Also, protect your color with a monthly conditioning mask – this not only protects your and preserves your color for longer but it adds that healthy shine we all so desire!
Visine! Its gets the red out of more than just your eyes. Yes, it’s the first thing you reach for after a sleepless night to help those tired eyes but you can also use it to get the red out of pimples. Just dab some on with a q-tip and instantly the red is gone!
Toothpaste. A white(none of that red and blue) toothpaste (not gel) that has ingredients like baking soda and peroxide (but not bleach) not only helps clean and brighten teeth but can also help with break outs. Organic or natural toothpastes work best and have little to no fluoride which could potentially cause an allergic reaction. Simply dab some toothpaste on pimples before bed and wash off in the morning and they help to dry out those bothersome spots.
Vaseline. Good ‘ol petroleum jelly is in every medicine cabinet and its not only a great skin protectant but its great on dry chapped skin. From cuticles to elbows to those dry cracked feet. During the summer time when I’m walking barefoot and wearing sandals all the time the heels of my feet get a lot of ware and tear – I love to slather my feet in vaseline and slip into my socks for instant softness.
Under eye circle remedies. It’s no myth that hemorrhoid cream such as Preparation H can actually help reduce under eye circles and puffiness. This has been the beauty secret for beauty queens, models and actors for ages – just be careful not to get any in your eyes!! There are, however, many more natural remedies that are also effective. Everything from used teabags (that have cooled), cucumbers, raw potatoes and even spoons that have been in the fridge can be used to help tackle your bothersome under eye baggage!
Coconut oil. There is no question that coconut oil is a wonder product. Yes, it the best oil to cook with due to it’s high smoke point and a great substitute for butter but there’s many other beautiful uses for it… It can be used on hair as an ultimate conditioning mask (also great for infant cradle cap), it can be used as a natural anti itch for everything from bug bites to chicken pox and as a moisturizer for your face, cracked elbows and even your baby’s delicate skin… But there is another use for it that I find fascinating… Its called oil pulling – people are raving about this process which is swishing coconut oil in your mouth in the morning for 20 minutes for whiter teeth and greater cavity protection! And there is nothing more beautiful that a great smile, right?
MOMMA LOVES… chambray for effortless cool

A great chambray piece is perfect for transitioning between season – the look of denim but lightweight enough for the warmest months!

and how cute is my little Max in his chambray pants which gives him the look of wearing jeans but they’re so easy going on and off in the hot hot summer!
Chambray is that great lightweight fabric that resembles denim but its softer and perhaps more versatile…. Where as denim is reserved for jeans, jackets and skirts chambray give that effortless relaxed look to shirts, dresses and even joggers… We are at that weird point in the season where its crazy hot out, but fall clothes are hitting the shops so its time to talk about transitional pieces… Chambray items transition easily from summer to fall making this the perfect time for it. Whether you’re looking for a little dress, jumpsuit or a great shirt to pair with jeans (yes – you can wear denim on denim particularly when it’s chambray) these pieces fit all your style needs. Its great for our little ones too because its so light, comfortable and looks so adorable on them! Check out some of my favorite chambray pieces to smoothly transition you from season to season seamlessly and effortlessly.
First for us:
And some chambray options for our little ones:
MOMMA WANTS… some ring bling

Rings for every finger and every part of the finger are hot hot hot right now – they’re ultra cool and there are great options for every style and price point!
Ladies, the must have jewelry of the moment is a bit of ring bling… Rings, rings rings – stacked, midi, sparkly, fine, costume and for every finger they are fierce and fabulous! You don’t need to wait for your man to put a ring on it – ring bling is not about some huge rock – its sparkle, its shine, its only as subtle as you want it to be and it’s all about your personal taste for every day. These aren’t your grandma’s jewels – ring bling is modern and entirely wearable. These rings can be layered or stand on their own – they are unique even when they are quite simple. Check out some of my favorite ring bling and get decorate your fingers for a bit of added sparkle in your life!
MOMMA LOVES… a bit of off the shoulder action
At a time when the plunging v-neck and the crop top are in abundance I prefer a bit of off the shoulder… I’m not an old lady but lord knows I’m too old to show too much skin and there is something subtle, yet sexy, yet conservative about showing some shoulder. Whether going out for a night on the town or a more casual afternoon bbq with friends there are times when you want to show a bit of skin while still being classy, chic and age appropriate. Off the shoulder – whether you prefer a great top or a little dress – gives you that great sexy look with a touch of glamour. Its always better to be the most elegant woman in the room rather than the most exposed… Check out some of my favorite off the shoulder pieces that will get your the right kind of attention (from both men and women).
MATERNITY MONDAY… fabulous maternity clothing
When the nausea subsides and the bump begins to burgeon its time for maternity clothing that can accommodate your belly and keep you looking fabulous. Pregnancy is one of the most precious times in your life and one you should be enjoying, celebrating and documenting! Having great maternity clothing that actually makes you feel confident, stylish and comfortable is key! Before you can start buying sweet little onesies and baby booties you need to start dressing for 2 which means a whole new wardrobe. No, you don’t need to buy a ton of maternity clothing but you do need to buy some great go-to key pieces. Jeans, tees, leggings, tunics, a fabulous dress for going out and some office friendly options are essentials that will get you through the 9 months (and the months post baby before your body snaps back) so it’s important to find pieces you actually like and would want to wear even if you weren’t pregnant!! Check out some of my favorite maternity clothing and choose the pieces that will keep you (and your bump) in style!